Honouring a Dedicated Volunteer: Nola Eyre’s Journey with the Hunter Valley branch of the LANSW.

Nola Eyre receiving flowers in recognition of Life Membership.
Mel Rissler, Nola Eyre, Dawn Lovett OAM, John Lovett OAM.

For nearly three decades, Nola Eyre has been a steadfast supporter of the Hunter Valley branch of the LANSW. Initially attending to support her laryngectomee husband, Nola’s involvement didn’t end with his passing. She continued to participate in the monthly gatherings, cherishing the friendships and community spirit she found there.

Nola’s contributions have been invaluable. She tirelessly assisted at events, helping with the catering and delighting everyone with her famous sausage rolls. Her dedication and warmth have made a lasting impact on the association and its members.

In a heartfelt recognition of her services, Nola was awarded Life Membership. During a special Christmas in July gathering at the Mayfield Bowling Club, she received a thank you card and a beautiful bouquet of flowers, a small token of appreciation for her many years of unwavering support and kindness.

Join us in celebrating Nola Eyre, a true pillar of the Hunter Valley branch of the LANSW, whose generosity and commitment have touched so many lives.

Nola Eyre holding a bouquet of flowers following presentation of Life Membership.
Mel Rissler, Nola Eyre, Dawn Lovett OAM, John Lovett OAM.