Photo of man wearing a Provox Life baseplate and HME.

Curtis Woodward from ATOS Medical, Australia, recently announced that their Provox Life range of products can now be ordered as standard equipment through Enable NSW. Speak with your Speech Pathologist and ask them to amend your equipment order form to allow you to access the new products through Enable NSW.

What is Provox Life
The new and improved range of products from Atos Medical designed to alleviate the challenges of excess mucus and coughing. Recent published studies have shown patients have reduced coughing, less shortness of breath and improved comfort due to less skin irritation with adhesives.

What this news means for you in NSW
It means you can now order Provox Life products through your speech pathologist or once established, directly over the phone with EnableNSW – just like you would if you were previously ordering the legacy range. Please reach out to your treating Clinician

Changes to criteria for voice prosthesis
EnableNSW has also confirmed changes to ordering criteria for the indwelling voice prosthesis. With prescriber input, you could now be eligible for up to FOUR per year if required due to reasons such as:

– Early VP failure
– VP insufficiency (e.g. swallowing dysfunction)
– Accidental dislodgement
– VP needing to be removed e.g. presence of granulation tissue or surgery
– Tracheosophageal puncture dysfunction

Please remember to always seek guidance from your local speech pathologist on these matters.

For further information or if you have questions on the EnableNSW changes, you can also contact your Atos Medical regional manager or inquire with our office on 1800 286 728 or

Kind Regards,

Curtis Woodward
Customer Support